Mag Instruments


HandpanMaker since: 2016

Long time ago in a far-far small country called Switzerland, in a picturesque city, Bern, Felix Rohner and Sabina Schärer created something new, something magical… The Instrument they made was called Hang, and this beautiful UFO shaped idiophonic and percussive instrument started its adventuorus and victorious path. With their company PANArt Hangbau AG they started to produce hangs, or later incorrectly named hang drums, which has changed the world. After several years, because of the huge demand for the hang, newer and newer makers appeared, companies have born all around the world copying, rethinking, developing this “magic made of metal”. The term handpan first appeared online in the fall of 2007 on the website of an American steelpan producer Pantheon Steel. It was used to describe its own development of a new instrument which was launched as an alternative to the Hang. From the middle/end of the first decade of XXI. century this Wonderfull instrument started to become well-known among the people all over the world… Not long time ago in a far-far small country, Hungary, in a picturesque city, Győr, four handpan-lover boys started to follow their dreams and create their own instrument. After 3 years of challenging searching, exploring and experimenting they ended up to make their own metal sound sculpture, the MAG handpan… thanks to their efforts and enthusiasm for today the MAG handspans are one of the highest quality instruments of the world… and their story is continuing…

Pan Size ø(cm) Rim Included : ø 55
Pan Size H : H: 25

Compatible Bags

EVATEK 2.0 (Medium)
From 155,00  Ex 22% VAT

EVATEK  Medium 2.0 new Series

The world’s best-selling Handpan bag 

Our innovation, your safety Since 2012


Simply 3.0 - Medium
From 59,00  Ex 22% VAT

Simply 3.0: The Best and Most Affordable Soft Bag for Your Handpan


Smarty Airtek M.
From 139,00  Ex 22% VAT

Smarty Airtek 2.0-  The ultimate Air protection system for Handpan. 

Welcome to “The Honeycomb Air cushion system”

Airtek 2.0® (Medium)
From 99,00  Ex 22% VAT

Airtek 2.0-  The ultimate Air protection system for Handpan. 

Welcome to “The Honeycomb Air cushion system”

EvaRIM System Protection
From 22,22  Ex 22% VAT

Upgrade your Handpan Bag rim protection. Select your Evarim according to your Hanpan size.

Evarim it’s our special ADDON RIM protection. Get extra safe in the weakest part of handpan & Pantam.

Compatible with ( Evatek all series.  – Evatek Fly- Evatel turtle – Flyroll – Simply bag – Smarty Bag all series ) 

Evatek Bunker
From 199,00 248 € Ex 22% VAT

Evatek Bunker. Never stop to explore new material.

The New Way to Fly Lighter and Safe than Before

100% Ready to Fly and Hold your Handpan under the Plane

100% (Cargo -check-in) Compatible

Born for heavy impacts Evatek Bunker  it’s 100% Ready to Fly and Hold under the Plane (Cargo -check-in)


Aviotek (Large)
From OUT OF COLLECTION 248,00  Ex 22% VAT

Aviotek- The new Way to Fly Lighter and safe.

100% Ready to Fly and Hold your Handpan under the Plane

100% (Cargo -check-in) Compatible


EVATEK 2.0 (Large)
From 155,00  Ex 22% VAT

EVATEK large 2.0 new Series

The world’s best-selling Handpan bag 

Our innovation, your safety Since 2012


Evatek Bunker
From 199,00 248 € Ex 22% VAT

Evatek Bunker. Never stop to explore new material.

The New Way to Fly Lighter and Safe than Before

100% Ready to Fly and Hold your Handpan under the Plane

100% (Cargo -check-in) Compatible

Born for heavy impacts Evatek Bunker  it’s 100% Ready to Fly and Hold under the Plane (Cargo -check-in)



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