Numen Handpan

HandpanMaker since:  2016

I’m a mexican handpan builder based in Barcelona. I’m passioned about art, meditation, theater, personal development, expressing myself with my body and dance and making beautiful things with my hands. Making handpans for me is a way of connecting with the world of music and musicians. Making friends with beautiful and sensitive people. Having the metal as a master to learn about music instruments construction but also about frustration, perseverance, passion, and all kind of emotions. Handpan making was also a way to  find a craft/profession where I can infuse part of myself. I try to make the best instruments that I’m capable of, but not in a competitive way, more in trying to put my best in a tool that will have a strong connection with another human being, and may be used a lot of hours per day to rehearse, make art and to transmit emotions and feelings.Im focused in achieving a warm subtle sound with a lot of dynamic and balance on the overall of the instrument. Right now I’m not that focused on a lot of volume or building hard percussive instrument, rather a sensitive instrument with clear warm and pure sound.

Pan Size ø(cm) Rim Included : ø 55
Pan Size H : H: 24

Compatible Bags

EVATEK 2.0 (Medium)
From 155,00  Ex 22% VAT

EVATEK  Medium 2.0 new Series

The world’s best-selling Handpan bag 

Our innovation, your safety Since 2012


Simply 3.0 - Medium
From 59,00  Ex 22% VAT

Simply 3.0: The Best and Most Affordable Soft Bag for Your Handpan


Smarty Airtek M.
From 139,00  Ex 22% VAT

Smarty Airtek 2.0-  The ultimate Air protection system for Handpan. 

Welcome to “The Honeycomb Air cushion system”

Airtek 2.0® (Medium)
From 99,00  Ex 22% VAT

Airtek 2.0-  The ultimate Air protection system for Handpan. 

Welcome to “The Honeycomb Air cushion system”

EvaRIM System Protection
From 22,22  Ex 22% VAT

Upgrade your Handpan Bag rim protection. Select your Evarim according to your Hanpan size.

Evarim it’s our special ADDON RIM protection. Get extra safe in the weakest part of handpan & Pantam.

Compatible with ( Evatek all series.  – Evatek Fly- Evatel turtle – Flyroll – Simply bag – Smarty Bag all series ) 

Evatek Bunker
From 199,00 248 € Ex 22% VAT

Evatek Bunker. Never stop to explore new material.

The New Way to Fly Lighter and Safe than Before

100% Ready to Fly and Hold your Handpan under the Plane

100% (Cargo -check-in) Compatible

Born for heavy impacts Evatek Bunker  it’s 100% Ready to Fly and Hold under the Plane (Cargo -check-in)


Aviotek (Large)
From OUT OF COLLECTION 248,00  Ex 22% VAT

Aviotek- The new Way to Fly Lighter and safe.

100% Ready to Fly and Hold your Handpan under the Plane

100% (Cargo -check-in) Compatible


EVATEK 2.0 (Large)
From 155,00  Ex 22% VAT

EVATEK large 2.0 new Series

The world’s best-selling Handpan bag 

Our innovation, your safety Since 2012


Evatek Bunker
From 199,00 248 € Ex 22% VAT

Evatek Bunker. Never stop to explore new material.

The New Way to Fly Lighter and Safe than Before

100% Ready to Fly and Hold your Handpan under the Plane

100% (Cargo -check-in) Compatible

Born for heavy impacts Evatek Bunker  it’s 100% Ready to Fly and Hold under the Plane (Cargo -check-in)



    Stay tuned with HcT

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